Friday 16 October 2020

The Patronus


By: Ava Anthony

Hi, i’m Katie Flatford  and my life it's different from others. I’m eleven and 3 month old. My brown hair waves in the wind like the beach waves and I have deep brown eyes.

My parents left me at the orphanage. I don't know why so I assumed they were dead  . All my parents left me was a note it said:

Our dearest little girl,

We love you so much, and wish we could have a  happy life together. But we just can’t take care of you. We don't have any food for you or a warm house. This is the best for you and us. Were sorry to leave this way.

Remember us :(  

There was a wet spot on the piece of old wrinkled paper. I assumed that it was a teardrop from my mum's beautiful face. They also left me a beautiful locket with a picture of me as a baby. It was true they couldn't take care of me, because I was dressed in a ripped blanket and a rag as a dress.


 I made some really good friends Jack, Stella and James.We all only get a half hour to play outside, until one regular Tuesday a man and a lady showed up and they said they are my Aunt and Uncle.

 They had said that they had discovered my Parents will and, and my parents wanted my uncle and Aunt to take care of me. So I was an orphan, but not an orphan in an orphanage.


My aunt and uncle have a really flash car, it's the newest model, a 2020 Kia Soul EV. They were driving 190 km per hour, on the wrong side of the road,  can't believe no cops had shown up, but it seemed no one had seen us.

“ Aunt, Uncle”, I asked “yes dear” my Aunt Replied “ Why are we on the wrong side of the road, and going 191 km per hour?” I asked nervously “ Oh, we have something to tell you when we get to the house”, she replied like she had a secret.


We arrived at a house possibly their’s. I took out all my bags and headed inside. My Aunt showed me to my room. It was filled with all my favourite items. It was my dream room. 

I gave a big hug to my Aunt and uncle, I thanked them. They sat me on the bed and told me “ Um, how do we tell you this, we are your biological parents”, I paused. I gave them a huge hug and told them “ I LOVE YOU”.



“Honey”, My mother called, “Something came in the mail”

I opened up the envelope there was a letter it said:

Dear Katie,

We are asking you to attend Hogwarts for the following years of Witch and Wizardry Hood. If you wish to attend please buy the following items down below:

  • Wand  

  • Pick animal of  selection to learn with at hogwarts (Toad, Owl, Cat, Rat, Dog

  • Broomstick

  • (uniforms supplied at  hogwarts)

  • Books (The Standard Book Of Spells, grade  1, A History Of Magic

  • 1 Cauldron ( pewter, standard size 2)

~ Albus Dumbuldore

“MUM!” I yelled “ What, Honey”, “ I don't understand, what's hogwarts?”, I asked scared confused. “ Okay let me explain, So magic is real, (she paused) I am a witch,and your father is a wizard, you have magic in your blood.”, “so i-m mm-ag-i-ca-l”. I said scared happy, I felt so many emotions.

I pulled out my phone from my new blue jeans and texted my best friend Zoe, who Is my new friend since I started school. 

(ME) Zoe I got a weird letter from a school called Hogwarts 

We told dad he was excited, but I had butterflies in my stomach telling me I was going to do HORRIBLE. Me and my mother went to a place called the Leaky Cauldron?. I learnt not to ask questions anymore, because it seems that everything that's a fairy tale is real.


At the Leaky Cauldron there were people like me and mum and dad. Mum knows where to get everything. Because she was a young Witch herself.

“Okay mum, Do we have a broom, a wand a owl, and the books?” I asked in my organizing voice. “Oh lets see we don’t have any of that”, “MUM!”, “Okay, Okay, Just kidding”. 

Part 1, Next part coming next week :)

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