Friday 30 October 2020

The Mysterious Wish

The Mysterious Wish 

By: Ava Anthony

I live in a small neighbour Hood, but we all seem like family. Some of my friends live in my Neighbour Hood so we all set off on our bikes to solve mysteries together. I have a greyish house, the whole neighbour hood has the same house so when you have parties it is sort of hard to find our house.   

I love the weekend. The weekend I get to sleep in, NO SCHOOL WORK. But most of all the adventures I have. Most of the adventures I have are going to the fridge and back, that's the biggest adventure.I’m just kidding. I love going on my bike looking for mysteries to solve or to help solve. 

So today me and my friends are going to find a mystery to solve today for sure!

I set out to the garage to get my new bike mum had got me for Christmas, It is a purple bike with a black basket to put my dog Mia in. Mia loves going on adventures with me and my friends. She loves to pretend she is a detective like me. 

Tonight Me Mia and Mum and my friends are going to Uncle Nick's house. I love going there. They have a forest which I am excited to go and explore.Me and my friends have not explored yet. You are probably wondering what my friends' names are. Here are there names Zara who can bond with any animal, Jack he has many tools and supplies that we need to be detectives, Izzie is very smart so she does all the calculations, lastly me Bella spear I can track clues and I also know how to bond with any animal mostly because off Mia she bond with them too.

Later That Night

We finally arrived at my uncle's place. My uncle knows how much I wanted to explore the forest so he asked me “ Go on I know yah wanna go”. So we headed off to the forest, and of course we brought our bikes. I had Mia a new lead, a nice Blue diamond lead. So she was excited for me to put it on, she hoped in the basket and was ready to set off on an adventure. Mia was barking as we set off, I knew it was her happy bark. She has not been on an adventure for weeks now, so she deserved one.

I could not blame her. Zara asked “ Any bunnies around”. I replied in a curious voice “ I don’t think so”. We heard a river close by, we had bottles but we finished the water so we filled them up. But on the other side of the river was a gold floating figure. It looked at us like it had not seen daylight for days. I looked again and it asked “ well hello friends’’. Zara tried to pat it but we stopped her. She had not seen an animal for days so she was going crazy.

The monster was a Genie not a monster. It asked “ I can give you one wish but you will have to give up something that you value”. We replied “ We- wee-we don’t know?”. So we huddled up in a circle, we decided. I told the Genie “ we would like to wish (Bella took a deep breath in) that nobody will get hurt and that nobody will get killed because of the color of their skin”.

The Genie replied back “ and what will you sacrifice”. I thought we have always wanted to be famous so “ That nobody will Know that we are the people who gave this wish”. “ Deal”. Reply the Genie. 

Two Days Later

Ever since the wish I have heard nothing on the news except new shops opening, it is actually really good because I get scared of the news on the news.

It's Saturday again and there is a mystery on the loose of a cat that has run away in my neighborhood. Looks like I am having a busy weekend, again. 

The End


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cool story I like how it is a adventurous story


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